
George Alvin Vlogs | Coming Soon!

It's happening!

I know I've been teasing the idea for a while now, and thanks to you guys motivating me, and Amsterdam being a place that always inspire me, I'm finally giving it a shot!

Let me just say that Youtubers have so much of my respect... it is not an easy thing to do. And it definitely is hard work. Basically for my teaser video (Watch Below), it took me about 8 hours to edit a 30 second clip! Keep in mind that I have never used Final Cut Pro, other than like once or twice in an A/V class in high school. I spent 3-4 days watching tutorials, reading forums, and researching the best software and plug-ins that Youtubers like to use. Then I just put my newfound knowledge to the test and dove right in. Only the best for you guys ;)!

Anyways, why do Vlogs? Well, why not? I like challenges and I think this will be one of my biggest challenges yet. My life is always so all over the place, and I need something that is structured - & I think posting consistently can help give me the stability I need. Or at least a good start in the right direction. Also, I've always had this weird thing awkwardness with directly talk into cameras, so hoping this could help me overcome that.

As for what I'll be posting? Well that's entirely up to you! So make sure you comment here or on my Youtube video and let me know what you wanna see! Also my first video is up next week and I'll be answering any questions you ASK. So ask away. 

Check out the teaser video for my channel below, and make sure you SUBSCRIBE and THUMBS UP if you like it!

x G




I just arrived back to Amsterdam from New York City, where it was record breaking temperatures. With highs of 21 degrees Celcius. Global warming? Sadly it wasn't a white Christmas. ANYWAYS, Amsterdam in the winter can be pretty grey. Everyone's usually in recovery mode from the Summer festivals, and canal boat parties, that once winter comes around, Amsterdam's too cold to function basically. BUT- That doesn't mean it's still not beautiful! The canals are filled with light shows, and the squares with ice skating rinks and winter festivals, making it perfect to bring out some of your favorite winter accessories.

In today's Street Style post I'm wearing a beanie from Topman, Coat from Nautica, oversized sweater from Weekday, Chelsea Boot from Aldo, and scarf from All Saints. I went with a neutral pallet of greens and grays making it easy to wear this outfit over and over by just switching out the sweaters and accessories. Easy for those winter mornings you don't want to get out of bed and need an easy and comfy alternative.

Hope you guys are having a great holiday vacation!



NIKE x TOPMAN. Before arriving back to NYC, I had the privilege  of working with good friend and long time collaborator Joshua Walter in Amsterdam. Today's shoot was based around my new Nike Roshe One iD's. These shoes are not only extremely comfortable, but super light-weight. 

I paired the shoes with my Armani slim-fit suit and a Topman slim turtleneck. Turtlenecks haven't really been my thing the past years, but I've recently started becoming more and more into them. Some brands I've found that have affordable as well as good quality turtlenecks are, TOPMAN, WEEKDAY, DAViD BECKHAM for HM, and Marc by Marc Jacobs

You can get your own NIKES at SNIPES. And check out more of my friend Joshua Walter by following him on Instagram @djjoshuawalter.

FOOD // Cafe de Jaren // Amsterdam

After a productive trip in New York City, I arrived this morning to my favorite city in the world... Amsterdam! People always say how could anything be better than the Big Apple? And unless you've traveled here for longer than a week you really would never understand the beauty this city has to offer. Highly recommended.

One of the first cafΓ©s I've ever checked out during my first visit to Amsterdam 3 years ago, was this cafΓ© in the heart of Amsterdam called Cafe de Jaren. So to cure both the jet lag, and awful memory of the airplane food, I decided to stop by my favorite place for an early lunch. 


The cafΓ© has a pretty epic outside terrace right on the canal, and usually is never crowded. Today's great Fall weather was perfect to take advantage of it.

I ordered a warme chocolademelk met slagroom, aka a hot chocolate with whipped cream, (although there's really nothing quite like a dutch hot chocolate), and a smoked salmon with horseradish, yogurt, dill, lemon on a fresh baked ciabatta. They have some pretty great toasties too, as well as a great wine selection. If you're ever in Amsterdam make sure to check out this hotspot, you won't be disappointed!

CafΓ© de Jaren
New Doelenstraat 20-22
1012 CP Amsterdam